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Tag Archives: Window

The primary reason we took this apartment back in August was the view from our living room window. Every morning I sip on my first cup of coffee while gazing out this window. Birds are continuously seen and heard as they nest and feed from the lush courtyard pictured here. As many of you who follow my blogs know, the squirrels have kept me company with their playful scampering about and daily visitations through the winter. I have been able to photograph this scenery through all four seasons now, and every season offers a breathtaking view, and it is all right outside my window. By this time next month we will be settling into our own home, a bungalow just ten minutes away from  this location. While there will be new sights and sounds and smells, I will not have this view from any window in that house. I will have to discover new kinds of beauty. Having lived in dozens of places (literally) however, I know that beauty awaits. But for now, today, I am grateful for the view from my second-story apartment window.

Each morning an hour or two before daybreak, I hear the loud chatter and chirping of birds outside my bedroom window.  Contrary to what you might think, I love being awakened by their warbling and fussing with each other.  Oftentimes I will open the window shades, then crack the window open a bit in order to better hear their sounds as I watch them flit about with the rising sun in the background.  When I am home with Mom and Dad, I sit on their back porch for hours and watch a variety of birds vying for their turn at the bird feeder planted within easy eyesight of those of us who enjoy watching.  This photo was taken when we last made a spontaneous trip to the seashore.  I watch in awe as birds soar overhead with complete abandon and marvel at their grace, beauty and variety of vibrant colors.  I even have an app on my iPod of the different sounds of various birds.  I refer to it when trying to identify a bird that I can hear but not see.  Birds are delightful (and yes, at times obnoxious), beautiful creatures that enhance the natural world.  I am grateful for birds!