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Tag Archives: Flower

Yesterday was Mother’s Day so I made a point of talking to my mother and my daughters/daughter-in-law. We are all mothers now. 🙂 I’m not big on fancy gifts or gushy cards, rather time in conversation is what I value. So it was good to spend time via FaceTime and phone with the other mothers in my family. Today however, I received a bouquet of roses and a small box of chocolates from my kids. It was totally unexpected (we don’t usually do those sorts of things). I love roses and chocolate and have smiled ever since receiving them. Thank you to my children. You made me feel special today. I am grateful for flowers and candy from my children.

I don’t think it will come as a surprise to anyone that I happen to love flowers. Fragrances and a myriad of colors~ what a gift! A world filled with flowers of every imaginable shape and color.  Flowers do more than just “decorate” our lives I know, but decorate and attract us and insects and birds, etc. is part of their job. Can you believe that there are folks in this world who actually do not like flowers????  Unfathomable! I will always have flowers in my yard, in my home and I will photograph flowers to decorate my walls. Sheer beauty. I am grateful for a world filled with flowers!

I love flowers.  Always have.  I am drawn to them like a bee to honey.  All three of my blogs are filled with flowers.  Flowers play an important role in propagating the species. We all know that pollination is crucial in the reproducing process, and in sustaining life on this planet.  But that is not why I’m in love with flowers.  I love them because they are beautiful.  They brighten up a dull landscape; they add color and fragrance to all aspects of life.  I love to have flowers in my yard and in my home.  I photograph flowers from every angle imaginable, just so I can share their beauty with you.  Many men refuse to buy flowers for their wives because they don’t see the purpose of buying something that will wilt and be gone in a matter of days.  Many women don’t enjoy flowers because there are too many other demands in life to fool with such trivial things as flowers.  Personally, I am convinced that a simple thing such as a beautiful flower can brighten a day, lift someone’s spirits, imply love and adoration, and more.  Such a simple act as giving someone a flower is a holy moment for giver and receiver. (For instance, a dandelion from a child–my child–is the best gift I can receive–have received!)  Flowers are magical.  I am grateful for flowers of all kinds!