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Monthly Archives: February 2013


Sizing up the distance to the dangling bird food above.


He begins his ascent.


He meets with the impenetrable obstacle!


Not to fear! He knows where the accessible food is!


Hmmm…. Never encountered a bird at the bird feeder before.


He must check this out.


Looks like there is plenty of room for both, so he goes for it.


*&^%$ Mourning Doves! He’ll give the dangling bird food another shot.

As you may have realized, I chose to step away from a regular blogging routine while I finish up my last year (grueling year) of school. Despite my absence from this page however, I find reasons to express gratitude every day. A couple of days ago I saw this squirrel scampering about looking for food. He provided my husband and me with a good fifteen minutes of humor, so much so that we laughed till the tears flowed. A little humor does so much to lift our spirits, especially during these cold winter days. I am grateful for humor, especially the natural, unexpected humor that shows up when we least expect it! Enjoy!