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Tag Archives: Mother

Yesterday was Mother’s Day so I made a point of talking to my mother and my daughters/daughter-in-law. We are all mothers now. 🙂 I’m not big on fancy gifts or gushy cards, rather time in conversation is what I value. So it was good to spend time via FaceTime and phone with the other mothers in my family. Today however, I received a bouquet of roses and a small box of chocolates from my kids. It was totally unexpected (we don’t usually do those sorts of things). I love roses and chocolate and have smiled ever since receiving them. Thank you to my children. You made me feel special today. I am grateful for flowers and candy from my children.

What can one say about parents?  Through the years my parents have been kind and generous.  They have also been mean and “self-centered.”  They have been wise and understanding.  I remember some foolish times, and instances where they “just don’t understand,” too.  They have been fun and entertaining, AND boring and “an embarrassment.”  Parents!  Through the years they have been sooooo many things to me and my siblings.  Through all the stages of our growth and development however, Mom and Dad were the constants in our lives.  Their love and stability carried my brothers and me through some rough times. No matter what was going on, Mom and Dad were always rooting for us, and their’s is the home we call our own.  Mom and Dad loved us unconditionally, regardless of how we felt about them. (Adolescence was the worst!  Thankfully we all survived.) Now that I have reached the status of “senior citizen” by some folks’ definition (a title I am glad to use when it means a discount on tickets or whatever) and have raised my own children, Mom, Dad and I have grown to the point of a special friendship and bond that only parents and children can have. . .if they are lucky.  I consider myself one of the lucky ones!  G-d willing, Mom and Dad will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary in November.  I am immensely grateful for my parents.